Imam’s Corner
The Middle Ground Podcast
A Moment For Gaza - Where's the Ummah Going?

A Moment For Gaza - Where's the Ummah Going?

Episode Six of the Middle Ground Podcast

Welcome to Episode Six of the Middle Ground Podcast. Running solo this episode, I wanted to put down some thoughts I’ve had regarding the genocide of the Palestinians and expound on some reflections I made last week during my khuṭbah at Middle Ground. As usual, I discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ‎ﷺ.

Other references in this episode:

  • The audio clip at the beginning is from Palestinian activist Ghassan Kanafani;

  • Sūrah al-Mā’idah v. 55: “You’re only guardian is Allāh…”;

  • Sūrah al-Mā’idah v. 100: “Evil and good are not the same…”;

  • Sunan Abī Dāwūd #4297: “Allāh will take respect of you from the hearts of your enemy…”;

جاء في مسند إمام أحمد رحمه الله

قال ﷺ إذا رأيتم أمّتي تَهابُ الظالم أن تقول له

إنّك أنت ظالم فقد تُوُدِّعَ منهم

As was related in the Musnad of Imām Ahmad, may Allah have mercy on him,

“When you see my Ummah afraid to say to the oppressor, 'You are an oppressor’, then they are done for.”

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Imam’s Corner
The Middle Ground Podcast
This podcast will explore ideas important and pertinent to Muslims everywhere, especially in America, tackling challenges and hoping to inspire as we navigate this worldly life.
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Imam Marc Manley